Grey Matters is a support group for anyone affected by a brain tumour.
Patients, family, friends and carers are all welcome.
Our Support
A diagnosis of a Brain Tumour, no matter what type or grade, can have serious implications for our lifestyle – both physically and emotionally.
Grey Matters For You offers patients, their family, carers and friends the opportunity receive support and information.
Tell Us Your Story
Share your story with us and others – we care.
By sharing our stories we hope to help you feel that you are not alone.
Please visit our Facebook page to read more.
Public Events
Grey Matters For You Inc. likes for its members to participate in public events sponsored by us and other charities and foundations to help you feel a sense of community.
Some of the regular events we attend are not directly associated with brain tumours but can be relevant to our situation, such as sponsored walks with the cancer counsel of Victoria or the neuro -foundation Gala ball held by Royal Melbourne Hospital.